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Behavioral Simulation Models

Silicon West

Silicon West Behavioral Simulation Models are written in VHDL, the IEEEand DoD adopted standard language for simulation models. These modelsdescribe the complete functional behavior of integrated circuits. Theirintended use is for circuit-board level design and simulation.Silicon West also has behavioral simulation models for ASIC libraries, tobe used in the design of ASICs. The Silicon West models run on thefollowing platforms: Sun, Apollo, PC-AT. These models can be used withthe following simulators: Intermetrics, Viewlogic, Vantage, Verilog,Mentor, and Zycad.

Language: VHDL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Simulator system software (e.g., Verilog, Viewlogic, or Zycad)
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Silicon West
17697 Blue Heron Rd
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Phone: (503) 645-4936
Fax: (503) 690-9891